We create exciton-polaritons in a zero-dimensional (0D) microcavity filled with organic laddertype conjugated polymer in the strong light-matter interaction regime. Photonic confinement at wavelength scale is realized in the longitudinal direction by two dielectric Bragg mirrors and laterally by a sub-micron Gaussian-shaped defect. The cavity is separated into two parts allowing nanometer position control and enabling tuning of exciton and photon fractions of the polariton wavefunction. Polariton condensation is achieved with non-resonant, picosecond optical excitation at ambient conditions and evidenced by a threshold behavior with non-linear increase of the emission intensity, line narrowing and blue-shift of the emission peak. Furthermore, angular emission spectra show that condensation occurs in the ground state of the 0D-cavity, and first order coherence measurements reveal the coherent nature. These experiments open the door for polariton quantum fluids in complex external potentials at room temperature.