Metabolism, excretion, and tissue distribution of [uC]photodieldrin were studied in male rabbits following single oral and intraperitoneal treatments. About 55 to 60% of the administered dose was eliminated in the urine and 1 to 3% was excreted in the feces, in 9 days, in oral or intraperitoneal treated rabbits. Less than 1% radioactivity of urine and feces was extractable in the organic phase showing that most of it was water soluble or conjugated in nature. All 23 tissue samples obtained at autopsy, 9 days after the treatment, showed a minimum of 0.001% of the given dose. Higher concentrations of 14C residues were found in fat followed by liver and then other tissues. Relatively higher concentrations of residues were present in tissues of intraperitoneally treated animals. Analysis of the organic extract of the urine, feces, and liver by TLC showed the presence of seven metabolites along with photodieldrin. Kidney extracts showed, along with photodieldrin, only two of the metabolites detected in urine, feces, and liver. Quantitative analyses of watersoluble and conjugated radioactive photodieldrin or its metabolites, present in the urine, feces, liver, and kidney, were performed after their enzyme and acid hydrolysis.