An exaggerated SBP response to exercise has been associated with increased left ventricular (LV) mass in some but not all studies. A total of 43 women and 34 men, aged 55-75 years, without evidence of cardiovascular disease, with a mean resting BP of 142 7 9/ 77 7 8 mmHg had their BP measured at rest and during maximal treadmill exercise. LV mass was measured using magnetic resonance imaging. LV mass was adjusted for lean body mass, which was assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. LV mass was within the normal range for the majority of the subjects. Among the resting and exercise BP indices, maximal SBP was the strongest correlate of LV mass (r ¼ 0.41, Po0.05). In multivariate analysis, maximal SBP was independently associated with LV mass after adjustment for lean body mass and gender, explaining 3% of the variance (Po0.05). Maximal exercise SBP is a modest but still independent predictor of LV mass in older persons with normal LV mass. These results raise the possibility that the SBP response to maximal exercise is an early marker of LV hypertrophy.