In this paper we prove that, given s ≥ 0, and a Borel non zero measure µ in R m , if for µ-almost every x ∈ R m the limit lim ε→0 |x−y|>ε x − y |x − y| s+1 dµ(y) exists and 0 < lim sup r →0 µ(B(x, r))/r s < ∞, then s in an integer. In particular, if E ⊂ R m is a set with positive and bounded s-dimensional Hausdorff measure H s and for H s-almost every x ∈ E the limit lim ε→0 |x−y|>ε x − y |x − y| s+1 dH s |E (y) exists, then s is an integer.