“…The most detailed comparative study of existential constructions within Austronesian is Zeitoun et al's (1999) study of existentials, locatives, and possessives in Formosan languages. When this work is taken together with (Chung 1987;den Dikken 2003;Massam 2009;Paul 2001;Tjung 2005;Polinsky 2008), it becomes clear that existentials in some Austronesian languages demand the simplex analysis (e.g., Chamorro, Malagasy), existentials in other Austronesian languages may be ripe for the small clause analysis (e.g., Rotuman), and finally, some languages may have alternative constructions that call for both analyses (e.g., Niuean). The next item on the agenda is to expand the list of syntactic correlates of the simplex vs. small clause structures, and both Sabbagh and Keenan offer preliminary thoughts on this matter.…”