Objective: This paper reports on a focus-group discussion of four expert psychotherapy researchers facilitated at an international conference from the Society of Psychotherapy Research. A discussion was facilitated to explore their perspectives on psychotherapy practices of personal growth (intentionally working towards a strengthened sense of autonomy, mastery, and self-acceptance) in different countries (United States, Canada, Argentina, and Chile) and different modalities (psychoanalysis, humanistic therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy). Methods: Following the conference, the audio recording of this discussion was transcribed and analyzed using consensual qualitative research methods. Results. Six domains were identified; definition of personal growth, mental health care systems, psychotherapy practice, psychotherapy research, client and therapist characteristics, and social stigma. Results: Six domains were identified; definition of personal growth, mental health care systems, psychotherapy practice, psychotherapy research, client and therapist characteristics, and social stigma.Conclusion: Future research examining the costeffectiveness and benefits of psychotherapy for personal growth is warranted. Building on the six domains, specific future research projects on the evidence-based practice of psychotherapy for personal growth are suggested. K E Y W O R D S international, personal growth, psychotherapy, qualitative