The theory of valued difference fields (K, σ, v) depends on how the valuation v interacts with the automorphism σ. Two special cases have already been worked out -the isometric case, where v(σ(x)) = v(x) for all x ∈ K, has been worked out by Luc Belair, Angus Macintyre and Thomas Scanlon [2]; and the contractive case, where v(σ(x)) > nv(x) for all n ∈ N and x ∈ K × with v(x) > 0, has been worked out by Salih Azgin [4]. In this paper we deal with a more general version, called the multiplicative case, where v(σ(x)) = ρ · v(x), where ρ (> 0) is interpreted as an element of a real-closed field. We give an axiomatization and prove a relative quantifier elimination theorem for such a theory.If there is a non-zero L ∈ Z[ρ] such that ∀x > 0(L · x = 0), we say ρ is algebraic (over the integers); otherwise we say ρ is transcendental. If ρ is algebraic, there is a minimal (degree) polynomial that it satisfies.Note that the kernel of Φ need not be trivial. For example, if ρ · x = 2x for all x, then ρ − 2 ∈ Ker(Φ). In particular, Ker(Φ) is non-trivial iff ρ is algebraic. We then form the following ring:Definition 2.3. Let M ODDAG be the L ρ,< -theory of non-trivial multiplicative ordered divisible difference abelian groups. This theory is axiomatized by the above axioms along with ∃x(x = 0) and the following additional infinite list of axioms:i.e., all non-zero linear difference operators are surjective. Thus, M ODDAG is an ∀∃-theory. Similarly as above, we denote by M ODDAG ρ the theory M ODDAG where we fix the order type of ρ.We would now like to show that M ODDAG is the model companion of M ODAG. By abuse of terminology, we would refer to any model of M ODAG (respectively M ODDAG) also as M ODAG (respectively M ODDAG).Remark. It might already be clear from the definitions above that for a given ρ, M ODDAG ρ is basically the theory of non-trivial ordered vector spaces over the ordered field Q(ρ) and then quantifier elimination actually follows from well-known results. However, here we are doing things a little differently. Instead of proving the result for a particular ρ, we are proving it uniformly across all ρ using Axiom OM. And even though in the completion the type of ρ is determined and the theory actually reduces to the above well-known theory, nevertheless it makes sense to write down some of the trivial details just to make sure that nothing fishy happens.Lemma 2.4. M ODAG and M ODDAG are co-theories.Proof. We will actually prove something stronger: for a fixed ρ, M ODAG ρ and M ODDAG ρ are co-theories. Any model of M ODDAG ρ is trivially a model of M ODAG ρ . So all we need to show is that we can embed any model G of M ODAG ρ into a model of M ODDAG ρ .If G is trivial, we can embed it into Q with any given ρ. So without loss of generality we may assume, G is non-trivial.Let Z[ρ] + := {L ∈ Z[ρ] : L > 0}. Define an equivalence relation ∼ on G × Z[ρ] + as follows:(g, L) ∼ (g ′ , L ′ ) ⇐⇒ L ′ · g = L · g ′ .We have thus shown that for a fixed ρ, M ODAG ρ and M ODDAG ρ are cotheories. In fact, since (M ODDAG ρ ) ∀ = ...