Millet is Alongside rice, maize and sorghum one of the main cereals grown in the Senegal. However, its production is still facing some challenges including weed pressure, lack of nutrients and water in the soil. This study aims to contribute to the improvement of agricultural production in the groundnut basin through sustainable weed management. Specifically, we intend to: 1-determine the effect Prosopis juliflora extracts on stem growth and yield, 2- characterize the effect of the application date on the millet cobs and stems, 3- determine the effect of extracts on the yield. The treatments were made using 100 g of Prosopis juliflora leaf pounded and infused in 1000 ml of water for 24 hours. From the resulting mixture, two dilutions were made (5% and 10%) and applied to the experimental plots. Each experimental plot received 150 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer (urea) in 2 applications. The results shows that the Growth and yield parameters (number of cobs, number and weight of ears) variate depending on the year and treatments. The Yield and its components are inversely proportional to the grass cover. We recommend therefore to increase the concentration of extracts and to carry out a single weeding at the beginning of the cycle in order to reduce weed infestation and promote a better growth and development of millet.