Many in my life, personally and professionally, have made sacrifices and have gone above and beyond to support me. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"-Helen Keller Kenny, all I can say is thank you but it will never be enough. You made this all possible through your support and love. You kept our house and kids going when I was away in mind or body. You made me stronger, braver, kept me calm(er), and built me up when I started to crumble. This accomplishment is ours. Kaylee and Connor, though you didn't choose this path thank you for coming along for the ride and keeping me laughing along the way. Jan and Mike, I am grateful for your never ending support and for accepting nothing less than excellence from me. Ken and Vicki, thank you for believing in me even when I did not. The four of you functioned as a great team to make sure that my kids never missed out on love, attention, and activities while I went for my dream and completed this degree. I will forever be in debt to you all. To my father, by the time you read this I will hopefully officially be Dr. Lauralyn 'Tweedleheart' Randles. I did it. We did it! Gramma Gwen, I want you to know how much I have valued you in my life and on my side through everything, including this. You have been a role model to me my entire life helping me to be a stronger woman and person. The work ethic you instilled in me is the reason any of this was even possible. To the wonderful friends I have met along the way, you have helped to keep me sane and moving. Anne, we quickly became the dynamic duo of the cohort and I cannot imagine it any other way. You have been a sounding board, cheerleader, vent friend, joke buddy, and more. I ii hope to always have you by my side, or at least in Google Hangouts. Molly, thank you for being a friend and helping me take our research and knowledge on the road. Amber, my NLCSD friend and roomie, we did it! Our late night chats made those trips for me and I cannot wait to see where we meet up next. Rachel, we survived together and I'm so glad we got a chance to bond over the good, bad, and ugly of our four years together. And last but definitely not least, Karla. You helped me champion causes at both ISU and NLCSD. Thank you for melding both worlds together with me. To my committee, I would like to thank you all for your insights, support, guidance, and patience with me throughout this process. Dr. Carrie Anna Courtad, I want to start by thanking you for making my transition to a new committee set up seamless. Thank you for providing me with feedback and endless amounts of encouragement as we prepared to cross the finish line. I would not have been able to do this without you leading me and this committee. Dr. Stephanie Gardiner-Walsh, you have been my lifesaver so many times over the last four years and I cannot thank you enough. You have become a good friend and a great mentor to me. Thank you for always making time for me and walking me through the foggy parts. Dr. Mark Zablocki, thank you for joining my team in a moment of tr...