15This research uses an MR-Compatible cello to compare functional brain activation 16 during singing and cello playing within the same individuals to determine the extent to 17 which arbitrary auditory-motor associations, like those required to play the cello, co-opt 18 functional brain networks that evolved for singing. Musical instrument playing and 19 singing both require highly specific associations between sounds and movements.
20Because these are both used to produce musical sounds, it is often assumed in the 21 literature that their neural underpinnings are highly similar. However, singing is an 22 evolutionarily old human trait, and the auditory-motor associations used for singing are 23 also used for speech and nonspeech vocalizations. This sets it apart from the arbitrary 24 auditory-motor associations required to play musical instruments. The pitch 25 distribution of the cello is uniquely similar to that of the human voice, but cello playing 26 is completely independent of the vocal apparatus, and can therefore be used to 27 dissociate the auditory-vocal network from that of the auditory-motor network. While 28 in the MR-Scanner, 11 expert cellists listened to and subsequently produced individual 29 tones either by singing or cello playing. All participants were able to sing and play the 30 target tones in tune (<50C deviation from target). We found that brain activity during 31 cello playing directly overlaps with brain activity during singing in many areas within 32 the auditory-vocal network. These areas include dorsal motor and premotor areas, SMA 33 and Pre-SMA, STG, ACC, aINS, IPS(R), and Cerebellum but, notably, exclude the 34 PAG and Basal Ganglia (Putamen). Second, that activity within the overlapping areas 35 is positively correlated with, and therefore likely contributing to, both singing and Last, our findings showed that cello playing may directly co-opt vocal areas (including 42 larynx area of motor cortex), especially if training begins before age 7.