“…The experience of studying the mineralogy of final blast furnace slags has shown that the properties of slag melts, in particular, the melting point and viscosity, are a consequence not only of the composition and thermodynamic conditions, but also of its specific structure, which reflects the mineralogical composition. The Kb indicator includes a combination of the ratios of oxides in the burden and the parameters of primary melts, which characterize the aggregate transformation and reduction of materials in the furnace [18]: Ferich /SiO2an indicator of the richness of the burden; CaO/SiO2basicity of the burden; MgO/SiO2, Al2O3/SiO2, R2O/CaOmagnesium, alumina and alkaline modules of the burden; Tfilt, Tdf, -temperature of filtration through the coke filling and droplet flow of the primary slag melt, 0 C; FeOps -FeO content in the primary slag melt, %; Δe is the chemical equivalent of the slag-forming part of the burden, e; ρ is the stoichiometry indicator of the slag-forming part of the burden. Characteristics used to assess the influence of technological operating conditions of the blast furnace are: the theoretical temperature of coke combustion Tt, the degree of gas utilization СО, the length of the tuyere zone Ltz, as well as the furnace temperature index FTI (which is determined on the basis of the temperatures of the coke combustion Tt, blast furnace gas Tbg, pig iron The method of constructing of the burden integral indicators based on the use of the generalized Harrington desirability function allows "assembling" various indicators into a single generalized indicator and thus increase the information power of the optimization criterion.…”