SynopsisThe paper sets out the physical principles on which the magnetohydrodynamic, thermo-electric, and thermionic generators, and the fuel cell are based. Other methods of generation, including the solar cell, are also mentioned. The limitation of the conventional steam turbo-alternator for large-scale electricity generation is pointed out, and the desirability of developing higher-temperature plant to be used in conjunction with the conventional generation plant is shown. The first three methods can be used in this role. In addition, there are possible fields of application where efficiency is not of prime importance, e.g. space vehicles.
List of symbolsA -constant in Richardson's equation (Section 4.3) = 1-2 x 10<>A/m 2 per deg 2 C A = m.h.d. duct area, m 2 B = magnetic flux density, Wb/m 2 C -Wiedeman-Franz number, V 2 /deg 2 C c p ••-specific heat at constant pressure, J/kg E -electric field strength, V/m Vi -ionization potential, V F -Faraday's constant G •-thermal conductance, W/m 2 per degC G =-Gibbs free energy, J/kg H = heat loss through the m.h.d. duct wall per unit area, W/m 2 H -enthalpy, j/kg / --total current, A K --E\uB -m.h.d. loading factor K -thermal conductivity, W/m 2 per degC/m ' K e == electronic component of thermal conductivity K p -photon component of thermal conductivity L -E x l{o)xu x Bz) M •-= Z(T h + T c )/2 Mo -flow Mach number M op t -optimum Mach number a -electrical conductivity, mhos/m T, T e , T, --mean times between collisions of an electron or ion, sec T£, = time of traverse of an m.h.d. duct, sec $ = work function of an electrode, V e = emitter work function, V opt = emitter work function for maximum efficiency, V (f> c = collector work function, V co = angular cyclotron frequency, rad/s co e = electron angular cyclotron frequency, rad/s to/ = ion angular cyclotron frequency, rad/s Units.-M.K.S. units are used throughout for formulae. Some constants, e.g. thermal conductivity, are quoted in C.G.S. units where this is the standard practice.