The Haldane effect coefficient in vivo and arterial-venous 02 content difference ((a-v)Co2) are, more or less, influenced by the contact time (ta), Po2 and P~o2 differences between venous blood and alveolar air. To increase the accuracy of the (a-v) Cot and the cardiac output measured by means of the rebreathing technique, factors to correct the Haldane effect (F(H)) and (a-v)Co2 (F(avCo2)) were obtained theoretically from the numerical solutions of simultaneous 02 and C02 diffusions in the red blood cell. Both the factors were complicated functions of t~, the difference in P~o2 between venous blood and alveolar air, as well as (a-v)Co2. For simplicity, we eliminated t~ from the above functions by using the standardized relation between the t~ and (a-v)Co2 measured from a rebreathing experiment in man. The F(H) was a linear function of (av)Co2. The (a-v)Co2 was calculated by dividing the product of F(H) and the slope of the C02 dissociation curve by that of a gas exchange ratio against the P~o2 in rebreathing air. The F(avCo2) was given by a ratio of (a-v)Co2 at any alveolar P~o2 to the standard one, in which arterial blood has the same intracellular pH as that in venous blood. It was a linear function of the difference in P~o2 between venous blood and alveolar air, whose slope was inversely related to the (a-v)Co2 itself.Key words : 02 and C02 diffusion in RBC, Haldane effect, arterialvenous 02 difference, R-P02 relation, contact time.MocHizuK! and KAGAWA (1986) clarified that the coupled 02 and C02 diffusions in the red blood cell (RBC) are not so fast, that the C02 equilibrium is hardly established between alveolar air and capillary blood during the contact time (ta).•The venous-arterial C02 content difference due to the Haldane effect ((va)C~o2(H)) has hitherto been expressed by multiplying the slope of the C02 dissociation curve (a') by the difference between the true-and oxygenated-venous Pco2 (oxPv~o2 -trPv~o2) (CHRISTIANSEN et al., 1914). Using this relation,