RP-3 kerosene is
the most widely used aviation kerosene in China,
and research on its chemical-kinetic mechanism is significant for
understanding the combustion characteristics. Based on a novel four-component
surrogate fuel consisting of
-dodecane, 2,5-dimethylhexane,
1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and decalin (54, 22, 14, and 10% by mole),
the detailed chemical-kinetic mechanism of the corresponding RP-3
surrogate fuel with 1333 species and 6803 reactions has been developed
and then reduced to 145 species and 818 reactions for high-temperature
conditions. After that, the merged surrogate mechanism of surrogate
fuel was validated by various experimental data sets for each individual
surrogate component. Then, the surrogate mechanism was validated by
comparing the simulation and experimental data of the ignition delay
times, species concentrations in a jet-stirred reactor, and laminar
flame speeds. Good agreements between simulations and experiments
were observed. In addition, using the sensitivity analysis method,
the key reactions of RP-3 surrogate fuels were compared and analyzed.
In summary, the mechanism developed in this study can accurately predict
the ignition, oxidation, and flame propagation characteristics of
RP-3 aviation kerosene. The novel surrogate model can help deeply
understand the combustion characteristics of RP-3 aviation kerosene,
and it is used for high-precision numerical simulation of combustion
reaction flow.