Technical safety and health are especially important for mining-extracting industry. Even though the respective lows and good engineering practices exist, technologies develop and could address even better security for humans and equipment. The research question is to survey microclimate sensors in underground mining and to find whether they are ready for automation. The article is inspired from the research in "Computer System for Microclimate Management in Closed Areas of the Post-Mining Galleries and Greenhouses". The author offers a short review of state and trends in development of sensors and devices for monitoring and reporting of environmental parameters in underground mining. All environmental parameters: air temperature; temperature of surrounding building constructions, heated surfaces of technological machines and equipment; heat flow, heat irradiation; relative humidity; velocity of air flow; noise; illumination; gas concentration; dust level; ionizing radiations; radon concentration in air are represented with relevant measurement devices and measurement units. The next step is representing of fast-developing sensors using scientific references. Author performs quality assessment of their suitability for automated data transfer and management. The assessment criteria are: Analogue measurement devices, Digital measurement devices, Availability of microcontroller. Findings are proposed for discussion: recent used devices in underground mining are not suitable for automatization, because they miss a controller. The availability of controller also presumes availability of management services. On the base of articles about management of sensors and controllers future work is proposed: 1. Integration of existing elements sensor and controller and defining of its management; 2. Moving of new elements and synthesis of algorithms for its management. This will lead to more precise assessment of industrial risk and improvement of safety activities.