Results are presented from a numerical study examining the flow of a viscous, incompressible fluid through a random packing of non-overlapping spheres at moderate Reynolds numbers, spanning a wide range of flow conditions for porous media. By using a laminar model including inertial terms and assuming rough walls, numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in three-dimensional porous packed beds resulted in dimensionless pressure drops in excellent agreement with those reported in a previous study. This observation suggests that no transition to turbulence could occur in the range of the Reynolds number studied. For flows in the Forchheimer regime, numerical results are presented of the lateral dispersivity of solute continuously injected into a three-dimensional bounded granular bed at moderate Peclet numbers. In addition to numerical calculations, to describe the concentration profile of solute, an approximate solution for the mass transport equation in a bounded granular bed in a cylindrical coordinates system is proposed. Lateral fluid dispersion coefficients are then calculated by fitting the concentration profiles obtained from numerical and analytical methods. Comparing the present numerical results with data available in the literature, no evidence has been found to support the speculations by others for a transition from laminar to turbulent regimes in porous media at a critical Reynolds number.
IntroductionTransport phenomena in disordered systems are a subject of considerable scientific and engineering importance [1,2]. In particular, fluid flow through granular beds has attracted attention due to its importance in many important industrial processes, such as chromatographic separation technology [3,4], packed bed reactor and contacting device design [5,6], catalytic exhausters [7], modeling of contaminant transport in hydrogeological and environmental systems [8] and studies of perfusion in biological media [9,10].Henry Darcy was first to report that at low velocities, where the inertial forces are negligible compared to those due to viscous effects, the volume rate of flow through a packed pipe is proportional to the pressure gradient, namely (dp/dx) ∝ V.
1)Later, researchers [11,12] derived Darcy's Law by averaging, in one form or another, the one-dimensional form of the NavierStokes equation by neglecting the fluid inertial forces. As fluid inertia forces increase, the ratio of pressure drop to velocity gradually deviates from Darcy's Law. In fact, Forchheimer [13] suggested a quadratic expression between the pressure gradient and the fluid velocity when the effect of fluid inertia cannot be neglected, namely (dp/dx) = aV + bV 2 . A number of quadratic expressions have been proposed for the deviation from Darcy's Law for which the nonlinear term was obtained by averaging the Navier-Stokes equation, which includes the inertial terms [14][15][16][17]. It would be expected that by increasing the fluid inertial forces, the transition from laminar to turbulent flow should be observed. However, ...