Liquid phase Liquid phase fraction 6.85E-04 5.44E-03 Carbon dioxide 1.15E-03 2.81E-03 Nitrogen 8.36E-05 4.76E-05 Methane 0.131573 0.117488 Ethane 2.44E-02 5.57E-02 Propane 3.19E-02 0.131492 iso-butane 2.61E-02 0.126888 n-butane 3.28E-02 0.151564 iso-pentane 4.83E-02 0.131666 n-pentane 3.45E-02 7.28E-02 n-hexane 0.117852 8.18E-02 n-heptane 0.328206 9.09E-02 n-octane 0.209931 3.50E-02 n-nonane 1.32E-02 1.82E-03 c write(iout,5225)(icp,(rmolefr(icp,jph),jph=1,np),icp=1,nc) c End search for sidestreams and begin search for shock wave position c 450 continue c Save position of the last side stream c c ratiolastss=ratiotothroat c write(iout,*) 'end of part 3 kountexpand',kountexpand c c c End search for the sidestream position(s) c ========================================= c c Begin search for the shock wave position c ======================================== c c go to 700 c if (1.d00/ goto 700 c write(iout,*) c write(iout,*) c write(iout,*) c write(iout,*) 'beginning of part 4 kountexpand',kountexpand c c part 4: find temperature and pressure after jump c ialgo=2 c c iterpath=0 c 470 continue c iterpath=iterpath+1 if (.not.aftershock) then kountexpand=kountexpand+1 endif c c initial guess for the speed after the shock wave c c write(iout,*) 'backpressure,poutspec',backpressure,poutspec c if (kountexpand.le.2) then pshock=poutspec*(rmach**2) tshock=rmach*t fspeedshock=fspeed-vflash/(fspeed*rmmkgmol)* & (pshock-poutspec)/facp c else c pshock=pshockold*(rmach/rmachold)**2 c tshock=tshockold*(rmach/rmachold) c fspeedshock=fspeedshockold*arearatioold/arearatio c endif c write(iout,*) 'set A',vflash,fspeed,rmmkgmol