Dense titanium plasma has been heated to an electron temperature up to 1300 eV with a 100 TW, high intensity short-pulse laser. The experiments were conducted using Ti foils ͑5 m thick͒ sandwiched between layers of either aluminum ͑1or2 m thick͒ or plastic ͑2 m thick͒ to prevent the effects of prepulse. Targets of two different sizes, i.e., 250ϫ 250 m 2 and 1 ϫ 1m m 2 were used. Spectral measurements of the Ti inner-shell emission, in the region between 4 and 5 keV, were taken from the front-side ͑i.e., the laser illuminated side͒ of the target. The data show large shifts in the K␣ emission from open-shell ions, suggesting bulk heating of the sample at near solid density, which was largest for reduced mass targets. Comparison with collisional radiative and 2D radiation hydrodynamics codes indicates a peak temperature of T e,peak = 1300 eV of solid titanium plasma in ϳ0.2 m thin layer. Higher bulk temperature ͑T e,bulk = 100 eV͒ for aluminum tamped compared to CH tamped targets ͑T e,bulk =40 eV͒ was observed. A possible explanation for this difference is described whereby scattering due to the nuclear charge of the tamping material leads to modified electron transport behavior.