We propose a solid-state quantum structure capable of generating EinsteinPodolsky-Rosen (EPR) electron pairs using a parametric electron pumping idea and the Coulomb blockade phenomenon. The quantum structure consists of two coupled quantum dots and four leads. Our scheme is easy to implement, and it does not impose special requirements on the leads. By employing the parametric pumping idea, harmful processes can be avoided and only two quantum dots are needed. Furthermore, the EPR electron pairs are spatially separated.(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version) Quantum entanglement is a natural resource for quantum computation and quantum information [1]. The future development of quantum information and quantum computation depends largely on how effectively one can generate and process entangled states of different objects. So far, most experiments on quantum information processes, such as quantum cryptography [2] and quantum teleportation [3], have been done by using entangled EPR photon pairs. The entangled trapped ions and atoms also provide a means for the possible realization of quantum information and quantum computation [4,5]. However, it should be more interesting and important in terms of applications to generate electron spin entanglement in solid state systems [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. The usefulness of electron spin entanglement has been assured by the recent demonstration of long electron spin lifetime in semiconductors [15,16]. Several methods [6][7][8][9][10][11]17] for entanglement generation as well as entanglement detection in solid state systems have been proposed. Beam splitters [6], devices based on BCS superconductors [12,13], and the two-dimensional interacting electron gas [14] are some examples. There are also proposals involving quantum dots (QDs) in generating entanglement