Deep levels of structural defects in InSb, which are the main centres of recombination in this material, have been studied experimentally for a long time. However, neither clear understanding of the nature of these levels nor relevant information about their binding energy has been achieved until now, while the experimental data of different works are contradictory. In this paper a theoretical model of recombination processes in InSb is built that takes into account the Auger recombination, band-to-band radiative recombination, and the recombination via deep defect levels, the intensities of which depend in different ways on the uniaxial stresses applied. A comparison of experimental stress dependences of the photoconductivity in both n-InSb and p-InSb with the predictions of our theory allows identifying the deep recombination level with an h-centre of acceptor type, with the symmetry Г 8 of the v-band top, which shifts together with the v-band edge under the uniaxial compression.