1. Adaptation to increasing environmental temperatures implies an increase of the upper thermal limit (CTmax), but also an enhanced capacity of the organisms to perform fundamental biological functions at high temperatures.
2. Evolution of stress resistance is companied with a metabolic depression, which allows to organisms have reduced maintaining costs and allocate the energy surplus to energy demanding resistance mechanisms and reproduction.
3. Heat tolerance evolution depends on the heat intensity selection and it could have different consequences on the evolution of correlated traits such as energy metabolism and fitness-related traits. Thus, we evaluated the correlated responses of metabolic rate, metabolism-related enzymes (G6P branchpoint enzymes), reproductive and preadult survival in control and selected lines for increasing heat tolerance in Drosophila subobscura.
4. We did not find a correlated response of metabolic rate associated with heat tolerance evolution, but we detected a reduced hexokinase activity in the slow-ramping selected lines. On the other hand, we found an increase in fecundity in the fast- and slow-ramping selected lines, but an increase in egg-to-adult viability was only found in the slow-ramping selected lines.
5. Our results show that the evolution of heat tolerance does not imply an increase in energy demand neither a tradeoff with reproduction and preadult survival, which suggests that heat tolerance evolution induces correlated response to increase the performance at high temperatures. Therefore, spatial and temporal variability of thermal stress intensity should be taking into account in future studies if we want to understand and predict the adaptive response to ongoing and future climatic conditions.