Since the early 1950's the use of Germanium has been continuously growing as new applications are being developed. Its first commercial usage as the main material, from which the semiconductors were made, was later replaced by Silicon. The applications were then shifted to a key component in fiber optics, infrared night vision devices and space solar cells, as well as a polymerization catalyst for polyethylene terephthalate (PET). With the advance development in new technologies, the attentions have been brought back to Germanium due to its excellent semiconductor properties. New applications on the field of high efficiency solar cells, SiGe based chips, LED technologies, etc., are being developed and show a great potential. According to DERA (Deutsche Rohstoffagentur/German Mineral Resources Agency), the demand for Ge will grow considerably by 2030, pushed mostly by the increase in the fiber optics market and advanced materials sector [1]. Therefore, this paper focuses on an overview of the production chain of Germanium, especially from its concentrate up to the single crystal growth of its valuable ultra-pure metallic form to be used in high technological applications.