Operational experience of a 500 kV photoemission gun at the compact energy recovery linac (cERL) of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization is presented. The gun, developed at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, was found to have failures in two out of the ten-segment ceramic insulator just after installation at cERL. The gun had been operated at 390 kV with eight segments until April 2015 and provided a 0.9 mA beam. An additional two-segment insulator was installed on the top of the existing insulators to recover the high-voltage performance. The gun was then conditioned up to 539 kV and has been operated stably at 500 kV. No discharge caused by the gun itself was observed at 500 kVonce the high threshold voltage for stable operation exceeded 500 kV. A dark current of a few picoamperes was generated at 500 kV from a photocathode puck with a semiconducting wafer, while no dark current was observed without a semiconducting wafer. Stable generation of a 500 keV beam with current greater than 0.8 mA was demonstrated for more than two hours.