The present study attempts to establish a correlation
between the
macromolecular parameters obtained from small angle X-ray scattering
(SAXS) analysis of pretreated sunn hemp (Crotalaria
juncea) fibers with the dielectric and mechanical
properties of their composites. Sunn hemp fiber is pretreated chemically
by dewaxing and alkalization methods and physically by microwave irradiation.
The treatment effect is structurally investigated using a correlation
function from SAXS data and correlated with the mechanical as well
as electrical properties of composites. The macromolecular parameters
are observed to be influenced by pretreatment methods. Macromolecular
structural modifications are seen in dewaxed fiber (DSHC), fiber treated
with 10% of alkali soaked for 6 h (10K6C), and fiber microwave irradiated
with 800 watts for 6 min (800W6M), improving the mechanical as well
as electric properties of the reinforced composites.