EXPERIMENTAL lathyrism means the syndrome produced in experimental animals given sweet-pea seeds, their active principle /I-aminopropionitrile (BAPN), or one of a number of other related and unrelated chemicals. The early work has been reviewed by Selye (1957); since then important developments have been the demonstration by Dasler (1958) that semicarbazide has a lathyrogenic effect, and the recent discoveries that there is a failure in intramolecular (Martin et aZ., 1961, 1963) and intermolecular (Gross, 1963) linking in the collagen of lathyric rats.Most workers on experimental lathyrism have used rats, but, since the demonstration that mice also are susceptible (Dasler and Milliser, 1957;McCallum, 1958), its cheapness and ease of handling have made the mouse the experimental animal of choice for many types of investigation. The present paper describes the effects of lathyrogenic agents in mice with special reference to the vascular lesions, and deduces that the cause of the aortic rupture is a failure in formation of the elastic laminae.