We propose a new type of plasma source using a pinch discharge in a tapered capillary, which generates a dense moving plasma by electromagnetic compression and acceleration. The axial velocity and flux of the moving plasma are controllable and can be maximized by adjusting the taper angle. The behavior can be illustrated with a simple model considering the pinching dynamics of the current sheet. [4] are conventionally used to drive the highspeed flow. However, dense, high-speed flow is difficult to form by hydrodynamic acceleration because of rarefaction waves accompanying the acceleration process. Also, a strong correlation among velocity, temperature, and density in hydrodynamically accelerated plasma is undesirable for almost all applications, especially parametric studies in astrophysics. Pinching plasmas in a plasma focus system can form high-energy density, high-speed plasmas [1,5]. Electromagnetic acceleration can avoid the need to heat the plasma in order to increase the axial velocity. Therefore, a dense plasma can be formed by a compression process in a z-pinch system. However, the plasma parameters are difficult to control owing to nonuniform gas discharge.We propose a new type of plasma device for the formation of dense high-speed plasma flow, in which the plasma parameters can be controlled by manipulating the operating conditions. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the proposed scheme. The current sheet in a tapered capillary radially compresses and axially accelerates the plasma. Using this scheme, an argon plasma was accelerated to 700 km/s by a tapered pinch discharge with a fast pulse power generator, which drove a load current of 80 kA with a pulse width of 70 ns [6]. The electromagnetic energy is converted to the thermal energy and axial kinetic energy of the moving plasma. In this device, the geometry of the tapered capillary is expected to play an important role in distributing of the energy. We intend to clarify the relationships between the experimental conditions (i.e., author's e-mail: adachi.k.ad@m.titech.ac.jp initial gas density in the capillary, discharge current waveform, and capillary geometry) and the plasma parameters (i.e., axial velocity, flux, and temperature) of the taperpinched plasma.A tapered capillary was filled quasi-statically with a well-defined density of argon gas by differential pumping and pre-ionized by an RC (∼400 µs) discharge of 15 A for moderating the nonuniformity of the discharge. An LCinversion-type pulse generator with a capacitance of 12 nF was installed for driving the main discharge circuit, as shown in Fig. 2. The length and inlet radius of the tapered capillary were 10 mm and 0.5 mm, respectively. The moving plasma flux was measured as a function of the gas density and taper angle by a Faraday cup (FC) located 22 cm from the capillary's aperture. The main discharge current and voltage were measured by a Rogowski coil and a highvoltage probe at the end of capillary, respectively. Figure 3 shows typical waveforms of the discharge current, voltage, ...