Nomenclature c pspecific heat, J/kgK; e RMSroot mean square error, K; h cthermal contact conductance, W/m 2 K; H-Hilbert space of square-integrable functions; Imaximum number of parameters; kthermal conductivity, W/mK; Llength, m; Nnumber of sensors; qheat flux, W/m 2 ; Sobjective function, K 2 ; ttime, s; t ffinal time, s; Ttemperature, K; T 0-constant temperatures at specimens' end, K; T iinitial temperature, K; Ymeasured temperatures, K; x-Cartesian spatial coordinate. Greek symbols αthermal diffusivity, m 2 /s; δdistance from the interface, m; Δdistance between two sensors, m; ΔTtemperature drop, K; ρdensity, kg/m 3. Subscripts ii-th parameter; jj-th sensor; kk-th sensor.