We present the results of our experimental work concerning the sheet resistance, R,, temperature characteristics of resistance and relative power spectral density of l/f noise, S. versus the volume fraction ofwnductingmmponent , U , for RuOrglassmmposites.We eliminate the contributions of motact-film-resistive-~m interfaces to the measured characteristics. We find that the composites investigated can be mapped onto the threecomponent 3Drandomresistornetworl; (RRN) formedfrom wellconductingmetallic bonds, poorlyconductingmetal-insulator-meial (MIM) bondsand thosenotconducting. We provide the physical interpretation 01 the network's parameters: h,. h,, b , , i.e. the ratio of con. ductances of poorly and well conducting bonds, the ratio of their l/f noise relative power spectral densities and the fraction of metallic bonds in the set of all conducting bonds, respectively. The electrical transport characteristics of RuOrglass thick resistive films are interpreted with the help of bicritical behaviour of such a percolation network. We find qualitative agreement between S(R,) experimental data for a certain region of U and that from 3D RRN computer simulations using the Monte Carlo real space renormalization group algorithm.