Response functions 1 and fluctuations 2 measured locally in complex materials should equally well characterize mesoscopic-scale dynamics. The fluctuation-dissipation relation (FDR) relates the two in equilibrium, a fact used regularly, for example, to infer mechanical properties of soft matter from the fluctuations in light scattering 3 . In slowly evolving non-equilibrium systems, such as ageing spin 4,5 and structural glasses 6,7 , sheared soft matter 8 and active matter 9 , a form of FDR has been proposed in which an effective temperature 10 , T eff , replaces the usual temperature, and universal behaviour is found in mean-field models 10,11 and simulations 6-8,12 . Thus far, only experiments on spin-glasses 13 and liquid crystals 14 have succeeded in accessing the strong-ageing regime, where T eff > T and possible scaling behaviour are expected. Here we test these ideas through measurements of local dielectric response and polarization noise in an ageing structural glass, polyvinyl acetate. The relaxation-time spectrum, as measured by noise, is compressed, and by response, is stretched, relative to equilibrium, requiring an effective temperature with a scaling behaviour similar to that of certain mean-field spin-glass models.The FDR expresses the equilibrium thermal fluctuations of an observable, O, in terms of available thermal energy, k B T (where k B is the Boltzmann constant), and the linear response of that observable to an applied field, F (ref. 10). It also relates the time (t ) dependence of the fluctuations, found in the autocorrelation function, C(t ) = δO(t + t )δO(t ) t , and the time-dependent susceptibility, χ (t ) = O(t )/F , where F is applied at t = 0. In equilibrium, C(t ) should contain the same information about the dynamics that is found in χ (t ), such as the spectrum of relaxation times. This is seen clearly in plotting χ (t ) versus C(t ) and obtaining a straight line, with a negative slope inversely proportional to temperature 10 . Deviations from the FDR have been intensively studied theoretically in ageing or driven glassy systems, both on the macroscale 8,10 and nanoscale 12 . Ageing occurs in glassy materials that have been quenched from high to low temperature. During ageing, the response functions depend both on time, t , and on the age of the system since the quench, t w . However, χ (t , t w ) and C(t , t w ) need not have the same dependence. This can be understood conceptually by viewing ageing dynamics as hopping on a tilted energy landscape 11 : energy-lowering transitions cause more rapid decorrelation than is possible by thermal energy alone. Prominent glass-transition models 15 place fragile structural glasses 6,16 in the same universality class as mean-field p-spin models with single-step replica symmetry breaking 17 . In such models 10 and simulations of structural glasses 7 , the χ (t ,t w ) versus C(t ,t w ) asymptotically collapse (with increasing t w ) to a single scaling Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. *e-mail: n...