Abstract. Pathologic and immunohistochemical changes caused by group I of the fowl adenovirus (FAV) serotype-1 99ZH strain, isolated from broiler chickens exhibiting gizzard erosion, were investigated in commercial broiler chickens. One hundred twenty-two chickens were inoculated with the strain by both oral and ocular routes at 1, 3, or 5 weeks of age and euthanatized for necropsy within 4-18 days of inoculation. Focal gizzard erosions were observed in the inoculated chickens of each age group. A histologically degenerative koilin layer, necrotic mucosa, intranuclear inclusion bodies in the glandular epithelial cells, inflammatory cell infiltrations in the lamina propria, submucosa, and a muscle layer were seen in the gizzards. Immunohistochemical staining showed evidence of FAV antigens in the intranuclear inclusion bodies. These findings were recognized regardless of their maternal antibody levels for FAV serotype-1. Gizzard lesions appeared later in the lower-dose-inoculated chickens than in the higher-dose-inoculated chickens. Numerous CD3-positive cells and IgY-positive plasma cells were seen in the gizzard lesions. In 5-week-old chickens the heterophil infiltrations in the lesions were milder than in younger chickens. Intranuclear inclusion bodies also were observed in the epithelial cells of the ileum or cecal tonsils of some chickens. Thus, this study shows that FAV-99ZH causes adenoviral gizzard erosion in broiler chickens without hepatic or pancreatic lesions and that cell infiltration is more severe than in dietary gizzard erosions.Key words: Adenovirus; broiler chickens; erosion; gizzard.Fowl adenovirus (FAV) is ubiquitous in chickens, as demonstrated by antibody surveys 11,41 and the high isolation rates of FAV in specimens taken from normal and sick birds. 3,19 FAV is associated with naturally occurring outbreaks of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH), 39 hydropericardium syndrome (HPS), 1 respiratory disease, 5 necrotizing pancreatitis, 32 or gizzard erosion.Gizzard erosions and ulcers in chickens have been associated with diets that are deficient in vitamin B 6 4 or with the ingestion of histamine, 14 gizzerosine, 26 and mycotoxins. 15 Gizzard erosions also have been observed at a high rate in the embryos and chicks of broilers. 36 However, several natural cases of gizzard erosion associated with FAV infection have been reported in layer chickens, broiler chickens, and quails in recent years. 2,10,25,37 Gizzard erosion has been observed in chickens inoculated with group I FAV serotype-8 and affected with hemorrhagic aplastic anemia syndrome. 12 In previous studies, however, the role played by FAV as a pathogen of gizzard erosion was not clearly established, because no viral examinations were conducted and because there were no adenoviral intranuclear inclusion bodies in the gizzard lesions. Some FAVs that had originally been isolated from either the proventriculus or a gastrointestinal pool of the tissues of broiler chickens caused gizzard erosions by experimental infection. 22 In our previous studi...