In the modern world, there is a rapid deployment of mechatronic modules and devices into various spheres of human activity. One of the directions that has been developed in recent years is the use of mechatronic devices to create surfaces of complex shape by using solutions with a large number of linear mobility. Of particular interest is the use of these solutions in the field of medicine. The implementation of such systems for the tasks of forming the spatial position of the patient will significantly improve the quality of surgical operations. However, the task of forming the spatial position of the patient is inextricably linked with the task of determining its support areas. The purpose of this article is to verify the possibility of implementing the method of localization of the patient's support areas using the functionality of a complex of a multi-section mechatronic module and a mechatronic clamping module capable of forming complex surfaces by changing the position of 98 composite plates by controlled movement of rods with integrated force sensors. The article describes the principle of operation of this mechatronic module, synthesizes the communication protocols of the sections and, based on the resulting protocol, develops algorithms and control programs. Experiments with a sensor system measuring the applied forces are also described in order to verify the possibility of localization of the patient's support area during the formation of his spatial position.