The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of science teacher candidates attending a public university in Northern Turkey about the uses of acids and bases in daily life. The study was performed with 43 first-year student volunteers, from the Department of Science Teaching. The students were asked three open-ended questions that required them to write down examples of where acids and bases are used in daily life, and of the ways in which acids and bases may negatively impact daily life. The study results indicated that all students listed lemon as an example of acid in daily life, and soap as an example of base in daily life. However, it was noted that only a few of the students knew the actual acid and base compounds these items contain. In addition, some of the students described bleach as an acid, illustrating that their knowledge on acids and bases was incorrect. Moreover, some of the students participating to the study were not able to describe the uses of bases in daily life or their possible negative impacts, which indicated a significant lack of knowledge on the subject.