A new nuclear power reactor under design study is a vertical pressure tube type boiling light water cooled and heavy water moderated. One of the passive design features of this reactor is the heat removal through natural circulation of primary coolant at all power level with no primary coolant pumps. Nuclear plants are mainly base load units, but the proposed plant with various advance features has to operate in load following mode i.e. Reactor follows Turbine (in a limited range). In this mode, any alteration in turbine load results in the steam pressure change. The steam pressure error is fed to the Reactor Regulating System (RRS), which changes the reactor power to control the system pressure. To study this mode of plant operation, a plant simulation model with the feedbacks from various controllers has been developed using the RELAP5 code. This integrated plant model has been used for simulating the load-varying scenario for a change in plant load. All the process dynamics, modeling, design verification and performance issues are discussed in this paper.