Abstract. We show that the space charge dynamics of high intensity beams in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field in cyclotrons is described by the two-dimensional Euler equations for an incompressible fluid. This analogy with fluid dynamics gives a unified and intuitive framework to explain the beam spiraling and beam break up behavior observed in experiments and in simulations.In particular, we demonstrate that beam break up is the result of a classical instability occurring in fluids subject to a sheared flow. We give scaling laws for the instability and predict the nonlinear evolution of beams subject to it. Our work suggests that cyclotrons may be uniquely suited for the experimental study of shear layers and vortex distributions that are not achievable in Penning-Malmberg traps.Cyclotrons are efficient and reliable tools for the acceleration of high intensity hadron beams [1]. They are considered a promising option for new applications, including neutrino physics experiments [2,3] and accelerator driven systems [4,5]. For these high intensity applications, a detailed understanding of the beam dynamics is required to avoid uncontrolled beam loss and activation of the structures. Accordingly, a large part of the theoretical effort has focused on characterizing the influence of space charge on beam quality [6,7,8,9,10]. Particle-in-cell (PIC) codes [11] have been predominantly used for that purpose. When combined with supercomputers, they provide quantitative answers that guide the design of machines or help interpret measurements [12]. Even if so, these high performance solvers have large run times, which limits the ability to explore the full range of parameters and configurations, and to identify scaling laws. A complementary approach to study space charge effects is to develop reduced models that retain only the key physical mechanisms to more readily yield scaling laws and physical intuition.In this letter, we derive a simple fluid model by considering a simplified description of cyclotrons. A self-contained mathematical derivation of the model was given in [13]. Here, we present a more physically intuitive derivation. The assumptions are as follows. First, the confining magnetic field is B = B 0 e z , where B 0 is a constant. Second, we focus on coasting beams, that are not accelerated. The motivation here is to describe a regime that has been extensively studied, precisely to characterize space charge effects [8,10]. Our third simplification is to only consider the dynamics in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field, with physical quantities that only depend on the two coordinates describing that plane. This