Recently in Brazil, public policies have begun to be implemented to reduce discrimination and promote the inclusion of excluded social groups based on a specific individual characteristic: race. However, there is little public consensus about such policies, especially among whites. In this work, I look at the racial attitudes towards affirmative action among white college students. I make use of new research methods for the empirical study of socially sensitive issues and ask whether these attitudes stem from prejudice, conflicts between social groups or individual political predispositions. Furthermore, I ask what is the relationship between political knowledge and such racial attitudes. I use the list experiment method because of its potential to offset the under-representation of opinions and attitudes. This approach allows respondents to be indirectly questioned, ensuring greater sincerity in their answers and, hence, providing more accurate portrayal of attitudes. This study shows that white respondents' answers on affirmative action policies are strongly affected by social desirability. Only 6% of white respondents agreed that it is important to have a quota policy for blacks at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Individuals with greater political knowledge tend to express greater support for affirmative action and hold more coherent racial attitudes Results also reveal that negative racial attitudes and political predispositions are both determinants of the white student's attitudes towards affirmative action policies. Keywords: Affirmative action; racial attitudes; public opinion; political knowledge; experiment. he implementation of affirmative action policies in Brazil to promote the inclusion of social groups excluded specifically based on race are a recent development. These policies vary from the creation of quotas that promote access of blacks to higher education to universalist efforts to reduce the impoverished Brazilian populations composed mostly of blacks (TELLES and BAILEY, 2002) 1 . However, the perception of these policies by white individuals is not well understood.In this article, I present a study of racial attitudes among white college students at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and their opposition to affirmative action. Attitudes against affirmative action encompass a variety of arguments and values, which include some of the following notions: affirmative action consists of an unfair preferential policy; the policy is reverse discrimination; and the policy stigmatizes the people they want to help (BOBO, 1999;SEARS et al., 1997).The purpose of this article is to advance our understanding of white opposition to affirmative action in Brazilian federal public universities. I draw on the literatures of the three main schools of thought explaining opposition to racial policies in the UnitedStates, all of which propose competing theories. However, these theories are often discussed in the context of race being a discrete, or even binary, entity. How can these t...