“…The evolution of a Riemannian metric g on a smooth manifold M to a metric g(t) in time t through the equation ∂ ∂t g(t) = −r(t)g(t), g(0) = g, where r(t) denotes the scalar curvature of g(t), is called the Yamabe flow, and was introduced by Hamilton [8]. The Yamabe flow is a natural geometric deformation to metrics of constant scalar curvature, and corresponds to the fast diffusion case of the porous medium equation (the plasma equation) in mathematical physics (Burchard et al [3]). Just as a Ricci soliton is a special solution of the Ricci flow, a Yamabe soliton is a special solution of the Yamabe flow that moves by a one parameter family of diffeomorphisms ϕ t generated by a time-dependent vector field W t on M , and homotheties, i.e., g(t) = σ(t)ϕ * t g, where σ is a positive real valued function of the parameter t. Substituting the foregoing equation in the Yamabe flow equation and setting σ(0) = 1, − σ(0) = c gives the equation…”