In this article, we aim to understand the contributions of the Biota-Fapesp Program to the research in biodiversity education and communication. Our research questions are: (i) is the Biota-Fapesp Program following or contributing to the significant advances in conceptual, technological/methodological, and management/governance aspects of biodiversity education/communication research?; (ii) if yes, how do the projects contribute to these advances?; and (iii) what are the main expectations for the future of Biota in education and communication research? Our analyzes highlighted a qualitative contribution from the Biota-Fapesp Program at institutional, methodological, conceptual, and educational levels. However, due to the few projects, it can be considered a summative contribution and not a transformative one. Perspectives for the Biota-Fapesp Program in these areas were divided into three approaches: 1. Research lines and concepts that could be encouraged through specific calls or inclusion in other calls of interest to the Program; 2. Innovative methodological approaches for the area that should be encouraged; 3. Suggestions for scientific research management and infrastructure. Through data and discussions presented below, we hope to contribute to the understanding of the role of Biota-Fapesp in the area, and point out ways to develop research, practices and public policies that promote the strengthening of science as culture.