DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2020.1733095
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Explicitly racialised and extraordinarily over-represented: Black immigrant men in 25 years of news reports on HIV non-disclosure criminal cases in Canada

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Cited by 14 publications
(13 citation statements)
References 24 publications
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“…He is described as having (1) lied or "failed to disclose" his HIV status; (2) recorded "secret sex tapes" of his sexual activities between himself and his sexual partners; (3) had condomless sex through deception; and (4) lied to medical staff about his sexual behavior. Framing Johnson as deceptive builds on historical tropes about dangerous Black male sexuality, and constructs a "criminal-victim dichotomy," perpetuating "the figure of the Black male sexual lothario" and representing defendants as amoral sexual agents and their accusers as innocent victims (Mykhalovskiy et al, 2020). A total of 51 out of 93 (55%) media reports that included one or more of these four deceptions (Table 1).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…He is described as having (1) lied or "failed to disclose" his HIV status; (2) recorded "secret sex tapes" of his sexual activities between himself and his sexual partners; (3) had condomless sex through deception; and (4) lied to medical staff about his sexual behavior. Framing Johnson as deceptive builds on historical tropes about dangerous Black male sexuality, and constructs a "criminal-victim dichotomy," perpetuating "the figure of the Black male sexual lothario" and representing defendants as amoral sexual agents and their accusers as innocent victims (Mykhalovskiy et al, 2020). A total of 51 out of 93 (55%) media reports that included one or more of these four deceptions (Table 1).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In particular, this institutional ethnography (IE) illuminates how the conditions of online convergence journalism position reporters to rely on digital police press releases as sources of news stories. In so doing, this paper adds to critiques that social scientists and activists have raised about the sensational and stigmatizing way that HIV criminalization is portrayed in the mainstream press (African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 2013; Mykhalovskiy et al., 2020) and extends sociological understandings of news media and the social organization of knowledge about criminal law and public health.…”
confidence: 86%
“…For example, almost half of the people charged with HIV non-disclosure between 2012 and 2016 for which race is known were Black men (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, 2019). Although the Supreme Court of Canada does not oblige a person with a low viral load (under 1500 copies) to disclose their HIV status (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, 2019), the media still perpetuates discourse that stigmatizes ACB men (Mykhalovskiy et al, 2020). HIV criminal non-disclosure cases are over-reported and racialized men living with HIV are portrayed as a threat to public health and to the purity of White settlers (Hastings et al, 2020).…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…HIV criminal non-disclosure cases are over-reported and racialized men living with HIV are portrayed as a threat to public health and to the purity of White settlers (Hastings et al, 2020). Similarly, Mykhalovskiy et al (2020) critique racial profiling and criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, as well as media portrayal of Black men as threats to public health and moral purity of Canada as a nation. Media accounts of criminal HIV nondisclosure cases are often reductionist and culturally insensitive, and rely on sensational language that focuses on negative stereotypes while emphasizing the offenders' immigrant background and the threat that people living with HIV pose to the general public (Kilty & Bogosavljevic, 2019).…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%