Abstract:Hyperpolarization of the 13C magnetic resonance signal of L-[1-13C]Lactate has been obtained using the chemically based, cost-effective method named ParaHydrogen Induced Polarization by means of Side Arm Hydrogenation (PHIP-SAH). Two ester derivatives of lactate have been tested and the factors that determine the polarization level on the product have been investigated into details. The metabolic conversion of hyperpolarized L-[1-13C]Lactate into Pyruvate has been observed in vitro using lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and in a cells lysate. From the acquisition of a series of 13C-NMR spectra, the metabolic build-up of the [1-13C]Pyruvate signal has been observed. These studies demonstrate that, even if the experimental set-up used for these PHIP-SAH hyperpolarization studies is still far from optimal, the attained polarization level is already sufficient to carry out in vitro metabolic studies.Author Comments: Dear editor, enclosed please find the manuscript entitled "13C-MR Hyperpolarization of Lactate using ParaHydrogen and metabolic transformation in vitro " to be considered for publication in Chemistry, a European Journal. A previous version of the manuscript had been submitted to this journal and one of the two referees evaluated it a highly important manuscript, while the other considered it too specialized for publication, than the manuscript was rejected. Nevertheless, the editor suggested that an appropriately supplemented manuscript should be reconsidered.Here is submitted a deeply revised version of the manuscript. New experiments have been added, in accordance with the reviewers' suggestions, and new results have been obtained. The whole text has been extensively edited and integrated. We hope that, with the integration of the new results, the manuscript will be considered worth of publication in Chemistry. C]Pyruvate signal has been observed. These studies demonstrate that, even if the experimental set-up used for these PHIP-SAH hyperpolarization studies is still far from optimal, the attained polarization level is already sufficient to carry out in vitro metabolic studies.
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