The purpose of this research is to internalize and increase knowledge of intellectual capital to SME actors in the city of Padang. The population in this study were all SMEs under the guidance of the Department of Cooperatives and UMKM in the city of Padang. The sample was determined through a purposive technique, so that the sample amounted to 40 people. At the first stage, respondents will be given a preliminary questionnaire to measure how well the respondent's understanding of the concept of intellectual capital models for SME actors is. Then the respondent will be given an intellectual capital module which is expected to help participants to understand and implement intellectual capital in their business and it is also hoped that there will be responses and criticisms from the respondents. So after the data was collected with the conditions before and after giving the module, then the data were analyzed through a different test with the ANOVA technique. From the research results, it was found that there were differences in the knowledge of respondents before and after giving the module significantly.