event returned to Asia. The conference venue was the COEX Exhibition Hall in one of the most vivid and largest cities of the world. This amazing mega-city was a perfect location for the conference. Seoul is on the one hand a metropolitan area with modern industries, universities and great economic power. On the other hand, it is also a place with a very fascinating historical and cultural background. It bridges the past and the future as well as east and west.Entertainment computing also aims at building bridges from technology to leisure, education, culture and work. Entertainment computing at its core has a strong focus on computer games. However, it is not only about computer games. The last ICEC conferences have shown that entertainment computing is a much wider field. For instance in games, technology developed for games can be used for a wide range of applications such as therapy or education. Moreover, entertainment does not necessarily have to be understood as games. Entertainment computing finds its way to stage performances and all sorts of new interactive installations.In this sense, entertainment computing has the potential of influencing many other areas of computer science and engineering. But in contrast to other disciplines, entertainment computing always starts from the human experience and with the question of how to tell the users a story and how to immerse people into an entertaining world. Many critics of modern computer games believe that these technologies may distract people from the real world. In contrast to this, however, we are exploring the new medium of digital entertainment in order to expand classic media and their expressive power.The presentations and papers of ICEC 2010 showed the broad spectrum of entertainment computing. The paper selection process was selective. Out of over 100 papers, 19 were accepted as long papers and 27 as short papers. With poster presentations we give researches the opportunities to present new ideas and also work in progress. The review process involved an international board of reviewers who put much effort into selecting an excellent set of papers for presentation.For the highly influential conference, in addition to paper presentations, we put utmost effort in bringing together a number of distinguished keynote and invited speakers, global leaders representing a broad spectrum of entertainment