School Psychology Quarterly continues to fulfill the mission of publishing premiere sci ence related to schooling, child development, pedagogical practices, disability, and related fields. Scholarship across numerous diverse fields, including educational, cognitive, social, behavioral, preventative, psychological, crosscultural, and developmental science continues to inform the field of school psychology. The following features an update related to the past, present, and future of School Psychology Quar terly as an international resource to invigorate, enhance, and advance science, practice, and policy relevant to school psychology through out the world. Information herein highlights (a) the value of high quality and timely reviews, (b) the breadth of important topics relevant to school psychology, (c) the international contri butions, and (d) the structure of and opportunity to contribute to special topic sections of School Psychology Quarterly.
High Quality and Incredibly Timely ReviewsAs highlighted previously (Jimerson, 2013(Jimerson, , 2014, the School Psychology Quarterly edito rial board and editorial leadership team share a commitment to providing high quality and timely reviews. Invigorating science, practice, and policy relevant to school psychology in cludes ongoing efforts to provide thoughtful and constructive feedback to authors and the ongoing commitment to provide decision corre spondence within 35 days from submission. Re-