DOI: 10.5539/ijbm.v12n6p49
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Exploring Factors that Affect the Well-Being of Healthcare Workers

Abstract: While the literature on well-being has largely explored workers in different industries, and much has been written about patient well-being and quality of life in recent years, little attention has focused on the well-being of healthcare professionals. This study aims to provide a relevant state-of-the-art on the healthcare sector within the context of well-being. The paper employs a systematic literature review, following the PRISMA guidelines, to find relevant studies; the analysis of results is then provide… Show more

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Cited by 23 publications
(22 citation statements)
References 29 publications
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“…The study emphasizes the importance of cognitive flexibility in the relation between self-confidence and psychological well-being. Factors influencing psychological well-being have attracted considerable attention over the last ten years (Huppert, 2009;Kim, 2005;Nirmala, Valarmathi, Venkataraman, Kanniammal, and Arulappan, 2018;Tomo & De Simone, 2017). Thanks to a better understanding of the factors affecting psychological well-being and developing a comprehensive program, such as cognitive and psychological flexibility, self-confidence, self-compassion, such findings may be integrated to various assistance programs aimed at enhancing psychological well-being.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The study emphasizes the importance of cognitive flexibility in the relation between self-confidence and psychological well-being. Factors influencing psychological well-being have attracted considerable attention over the last ten years (Huppert, 2009;Kim, 2005;Nirmala, Valarmathi, Venkataraman, Kanniammal, and Arulappan, 2018;Tomo & De Simone, 2017). Thanks to a better understanding of the factors affecting psychological well-being and developing a comprehensive program, such as cognitive and psychological flexibility, self-confidence, self-compassion, such findings may be integrated to various assistance programs aimed at enhancing psychological well-being.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…19 Personal factors, such as physical exhaustion and anxiety, negatively affect the global happiness of healthcare workers. [20][21][22] Organisational/context-related factors, such as job tasks, relationships with colleagues and superiors, and lack of safety, also impact the global happiness of healthcare workers. [22][23][24][25] Previous studies have illustrated that job satisfaction and global happiness affect the quality of care provided by care staff through job commitment.…”
Section: Quality Of Work Lifementioning
confidence: 99%
“…[20][21][22] Organisational/context-related factors, such as job tasks, relationships with colleagues and superiors, and lack of safety, also impact the global happiness of healthcare workers. [22][23][24][25] Previous studies have illustrated that job satisfaction and global happiness affect the quality of care provided by care staff through job commitment. 26 Care communities with highly committed staff members endeavour to integrate the wishes, preferences and care needs of residents by respecting their privacy, dignity, comfort and choice in various activities.…”
Section: Quality Of Work Lifementioning
confidence: 99%
“…With reference to the specific health care context, along with other factors generally acknowledged to affect employee well-being, other specific factors are found to negatively affect employee well-being (Tomo and De Simone, 2017). Previous literature that analyzed well-being in the health care context is summarized as follows in Table 1 Tepas et al, 2004) lack of recovering time and energy (e.g.…”
Section: Specific Factors Affecting Employee Well-being In the Healthmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Kilfedder et al, 2001) sleep disorders (e.g. Rose & Glass, 2009) Source: Tomo and De Simone (2017) On the individual side, many authors (Gosseries et al, 2012;Kilfedder et al, 2001;Mason et al, 2016;Preposi Cruz, 2016;Sancassiani et al, 2015;Tepas et al, 2004;Tuisku et al, 2016) highlighted several physical and mental conditions/factors that influence well-being, with a particular emphasis on physical exhaustion, anxiety, depression, stress, and burnout. Sleep disorders comprise the factor that is specifically highlighted with respect to healthcare workers (Poissonnet & Véron, 2000;Rose & Glass, 2009), especially considering the effects of night shift-work and difficult work schedules.…”
Section: Specific Factors Affecting Employee Well-being In the Healthmentioning
confidence: 99%