“…Kilfedder et al, 2001) sleep disorders (e.g. Rose & Glass, 2009) Source: Tomo and De Simone (2017) On the individual side, many authors (Gosseries et al, 2012;Kilfedder et al, 2001;Mason et al, 2016;Preposi Cruz, 2016;Sancassiani et al, 2015;Tepas et al, 2004;Tuisku et al, 2016) highlighted several physical and mental conditions/factors that influence well-being, with a particular emphasis on physical exhaustion, anxiety, depression, stress, and burnout. Sleep disorders comprise the factor that is specifically highlighted with respect to healthcare workers (Poissonnet & Véron, 2000;Rose & Glass, 2009), especially considering the effects of night shift-work and difficult work schedules.…”