The intrinsic luminescence of Tb III in ac holate (Ch) hydrogel has been found to be much higher than that in water or SDS micellar media. We have examined the role of the gel medium in enhancing the emission of Tb III in detail, and we also report ar emarkably simple methodf or detecting two important drugs,n aproxen andp ropranolol, by using the luminescence of Tb III in aT bCh hydrogel. The gel medium played ac rucial role in the sensing of these drugs, because little sensitization of Tb III took place in solution.T he drug detection could be performed down to sub-ppb levels, both for commercially availablet ablets and for (spiked) samples of blood serum without any pre-processing. This technique could also be used to differentiate between pairs of closely related drugs, for example, naproxen/ibuprofen and propranolol/atenolol. This rapid (< 2min) ands ensitived etectiont echnique may make such gels suitable as ag eneral platform for the sensing of appropriate analytes.