We propose a novel analysis strategy, which leverages the unique capabilities of the DUNE experiment, to study tau neutrinos. We integrate collider physics ideas, such as jet clustering algorithms in combination with machine learning techniques, into neutrino measurements. Through the construction of a set of observables and kinematic cuts, we obtain a superior discrimination of the signal (S) over the background (B). In a single year, using the nominal neutrino beam mode, DUNE may achieve S= ffiffiffi ffi B p of 3.3 and 2.3 for the hadronic and leptonic decay channels of the tau respectively. Operating in the tau-optimized beam mode would increase S= ffiffiffi ffi B p to 8.8 and 11 for each of these channels. We premier the use of the analysis software RIVET, a tool ubiquitously used by the LHC experiments, in neutrino physics. For wider accessibility, we provide our analysis code.