Resonant infrared near-field optical spectroscopy provides a highly material-specific response with sub-wavelength lateral resolution of ∼ 10 nm. Here, we report on the study of the near-field response of selected paraelectric and ferroelectric materials, i.e. SrTiO 3 , LiNbO 3 , and PbZr 0.2 Ti 0.8 O 3 , showing resonances in the wavelength range from 13.0 to 15.8 µm. We investigate these materials using scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) in combination with a tunable mid-infrared free-electron laser (FEL). Fundamentally, we demonstrate that phonon-induced resonant near-field excitation is possible for both p-and s-polarized incident light, a fact that is of particular interest for the nanoscopic investigation of anisotropic and hyperbolic materials. Moreover, we exploit that near-field spectroscopy, as compared to far-field techniques, bears substantial advantages such as lower penetration depths, stronger confinement, and a high spatial resolution.The latter permits the investigation of minute material volumes, e.g. with nanoscale changes in crystallographic structure, which we prove here via near-field imaging of ferroelectric domain structures in PbZr 0.2 Ti 0.8 O 3 thin films.