(Fig. 1). Our studies have demonstrated the importance in E. coli of a [2Fe2S]-ferredoxin (Fd), YfaE, in the class Ia maintenance and possibly biosynthetic pathways (3, 4). We now report that NrdI is a flavodoxin (Fld), functioning as a two-electron reductant of NrdF (2), and can play a role in the maintenance pathway of the E. coli class Ib RNR analogous to that of YfaE in the E. coli class Ia system. E. coli contains genes for three RNRs that have been classified based on their metallocofactors: two class I RNRs (Ia and Ib) and a class III RNR. The class Ia RNR is the workhorse enzyme and is expressed under normal aerobic, vegetative growth conditions, whereas the class Ib enzyme is expressed under oxidative stress and iron-limited growth conditions (5-8). The class III RNR is expressed only under anaerobic conditions and will not be discussed further. The E. coli class Ia RNR is composed of two gene products, NrdA (␣) and NrdB (), and the genes are found in an operon with a [2Fe2S]-Fd, YfaE. The E. coli class Ib RNR is composed of NrdE (␣) and NrdF () and the genes are found in an operon (nrdHIEF) with two additional genes. NrdH is a thioredoxin-like protein that functions as the specific disulfide reductase for NrdE (9). NrdI has yet to be functionally characterized. However, NrdI is annotated in the genomic databases as a Fld and a recent structure of the Bacillus subtilis NrdI . O 2 and an extra electron have been shown to be required for cluster assembly of NrdB. The substoichiometric assembly of cluster in NrdF suggests further investigation of cluster assembly is required. Fre may play an important role in the maintenance pathway and may be a reductase for YfaE (4, 41).