This thesis and all the work done during my Ph.D. would not be possible without the academic and non-academic contribution of many people I was lucky enough to come across.First and foremost, my wife Maria Angélica, with whom I grew up together in every possible sense, for the mutual and timely attractive forces, and for emphasizing the lyricism of the world. You are a constant smile in the best memories and a shoulder in the worst, your kind heart and beautiful mind are inspiring. I hope you experience immeasurable happiness in your life. Prepare for our many adventures to come.A bit of Portuguese now: meus incríveis pais Eduardo e Cecília, vó e bachan, cujos generosos e incessantes esforc ¸os foram fundamentais. Sempre que sentirem orgulho de mim, sintam de vocês também. Meus irmãos Fábio e Paulo, tios, primos, sogros, cunhadas, sobrinhos, cachorras e todo o resto da família, por todas as relac ¸ões de apoio, carinho e muita diversão.My supervisor Fiore, for his always sincere advice that contributed to my development in several aspects, including learning how to study, research, and behave as a physicist should.Matteo, who fortuitously became something of a mentor to me, for the unexpected amount of trust and the large amount of shared knowledge. Mário de Oliveira, for inspiring and introducing me to physics research. And Landi, for getting me back on track when I got the closest to quitting.With my friends I shared several discussions about physics and science, but all the fun moments were very important to keep up with the studies. Pedro and Luís, for our rare and constant friendship, in which we always try and improve each other with companionship, honesty, and rationality. During this period I was also fortunate enough to have Ariel, Isa and G ülce as best friends, three brilliant and inspiring human beings. And the list goes on with Mayhara, Irem, Rongrong, Lufê, Mari, Lefundes, Gustavo, and definitely many more.In the meantime, I greatly benefitted from scientific visits, and for that I am thankful to Massimiliano, his excellent group at the University of Luxembourg, Édgar, and Jukka.The life at the University of São Paulo, the department, the research group, all professors, colleagues and employees, meals at bandejão, coffees, parties, Tubatuque presentations, classes, discussions, and time spent at the campus will be fondly remembered. Fundac ¸ão Antônio e Helena Zerrenner, ETWB teachers and staff, for providing me with high-quality free-of-cost education, without which I would not be able to enroll in such a prestigious university.I acknowledge the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for the financial support through grants #2017/24567-0 and #2020/03708-8 and, above all, for giving the most stable grants in Brazil, even in difficult times; the foundation approach to scientific funding is exemplary. I am thankful to the examining committee, a set of physicists that I greatly admire that contributed with comments and insightful discussions. Lastly, I have to cite Milton Nascimento, for all the hours ...