<p>The objective of this article is to examine the absorptive capacity in the technology industry and aspires to recognize how firms can manage their strategic decisions in the turbulence contexts. In particular, we examine how organizations can strengthen their organizational contexts in order to absorb knowledge. From the knowledge management literature, this investigation extends our perception of the relationship between the human capital profiles (organization, research and development unit, and recent incorporations) and technological decision-making. Through the SEPI Foundation, a balanced panel of 1,220 Spanish industrial companies has used that answer to the Survey of Business Strategies (SBS) for a threeyear period, which signifies a total of 3,660 cases. The principal finding is the presence of high levels of human resources to understand a decision efficiency process. It also highlights its relationship to the firm’s technological committee. These contributions are notable for both researchers and practitioners. It could be stimulating to expand the study to the association between human capital profiles and other strategic technological decisions, as the preparation of an innovation plan or the measurement of innovation performance.</p>