Relationships between measured moisture and qualitative dampness indicators (mold odor, visible mold, visible water damage, or peeling paint) were evaluated using data collected from California homes in a prospective birth cohort study when the infants were 6 or 12 months of age (737 home visits). For repeated visits, agreement between observation of the presence/ absence of each qualitative indicator at both visits was high (71-87%, P < 0.0001). Among individual indicators, musty odor and visible mold were most strongly correlated with elevated moisture readings. Measured moisture differed significantly between repeated visits in opposite seasons (P < 0.0001), and dampness increased with the number of indicators in a home. Linear mixedeffect models showed that 10-unit increases in maximum measured moisture were associated with the presence of 0.5 additional dampness indicators (P < 0.001). Bedroom (BR) walls were damper than living room (LR) walls in the same homes (P < 0.0001), although both average and maximum readings were positively correlated across room type (r = 0.75 and 0.67, respectively, both P < 0.0001). Exterior walls were significantly damper than interior walls (P < 0.0001 in both LRs and BRs), but no differences were observed between maximum wall readings and measurements at either window corners or sites of suspected dampness.
Practical ImplicationsThe more indicators of dampness or mold present in a home (especially musty odor and visible mold), the damper the walls were likely to be. In our study, the consistency of dampness indicators over time suggests that one-time, qualitative assessments of dampness and mold have value in identifying moisture problems. However, the seasonal variation seen in measured wall moisture suggests that quantitative measurements repeated at different times of year may be necessary to identify transient moisture problems. Therefore, moisture measurements may be most informative when assessed along with dampness indicators, some of which consistently have been associated with increased risks of respiratory disease, for example, mold odor, visible mold, and water damage.